
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Them's the odds

I have my next medical appointment on June 1, with Dr. S, my GI doc. At that time, I should be well on my well to figuring out where I fit on the above chart. Right now, I'm in column 1, Local Stage. If we find that there is indeed a second tumor, I move to Column 3, Distant Stage.

I guess that's like being moved from the main stage at SXSW to a small tent, on a Monday afternoon, opening for say, Skillet Gilmore's side project. A truly distant stage.

The reality is that my chances of seeing Miley Cyrus's 21st birthday bash may be less than 50%. Who knows. At this point, my brother is - like a bible literalist - decrying all the recent medical tests and claims that his wife, the House of Cave Creek, believes that all my tests are wrong, and that the lung tumor was the only one.

This time I hope he's right.


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