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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Taking Sprint to Multitask

The new Sprint commercial commits multiple sins. First, the guy who has the lead in it looks like a homeless painter. Second, the visual depiction of the ad's concept - multitasking - is creepy. People doing some act of work [a women carries groceries to a car, another women rides a bicycle, a man waits for a commuter train] are surrounded by smaller clones of themselves. That's disturbing. And what is more, aside from the first guy, both the women have clones who are doing the same exact thing they are doing. That's not multitasking. That's doing more of the same thing. So boo to Sprint.

The Frank Caliendo guy who does all those impersonations is neither funny nor good at impersonations. He did a David Letterman [and Paul] that was so unfunny that when they cut back to the studio [this was during an NFL broadcast, and Terry Bradshaw, Jimmy Johnson and Joe Buck were in the studio], the talking heads sat stunned for a second.

Speaking of stunning, I read an article on the impending South Carolina Republican primary. As one would expect, they interviewed some regular folk. Here's the quote that I found interesting:
"I'd be comfortable with four of the six of them," said Steve Folks, 56. He considers former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani too liberal on social issues and said he "just hasn't connected with" former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who is a Mormon.

So this dude would be just fine with any of the following: Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, John McCain or ... Ron Paul? Go figure.


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