
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Monday, April 21, 2008

One More Thing To Despair Over ...

You can't see the actual captions on the poster that I am pointing to, but this was a popular poster in Paris, and it was for the show "Les Monologues du Penis." And the three hommes, er ... mecs, er ... guys in the photo are captioned "Un Intello, Un Macho, Un Homo." One of each, I suppose.

The other thing that has made me laugh and cringe recently is Michael Chabon's bizarre and embarrassing endorsement of Barack Obama. He had to give himself permission to hope? Wow. What adult talks like that? This leads me to my theory: there are two Michael Chabons. One is a spectacularly hideous middle-aged man, covered perhaps with scars and pustules, laboring away in a shotgun shack outside of Fresno. A genius writer capable of transforming even the most mundane soupçon of an idea into pure quicksilver, yes, but also incapable of appearing in public without attracting rage and scorn. The other Michael Chabon is a fine-boned bisexual actor. You get the picture.

No, please do not mistake me for a Barack Obama hater. I am far from it. But I do reserve the right to critique that which passes as praise, and that which passes as criticism to see if they pass the "whiff" test. And this, my friends, does not.


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