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Monday, March 17, 2008

T for Texas

In Fort Worth tonight. Windy, not too cold. Indiana [this morning] was cold, unmelted hail still on the ground. And Charlotte [this afternoon] was warmer, but windy. This is my road show. 6 flights in 3 days. Tomorrow, DFW to PHX, PHX to LAX.

A couple of good things about work travel. One, you're not in the office listening to non-stop inanity. And believe me, 90% of my reality is inanity. Second, you discover weird cool things - TCBY has a new spin-off chain called Yovana, which purports to be healthy & natural. It is fresh [and fresh-tasting.] They make it fresh each day at the franchise, the process by which I do not wish to know. But I can tell you this, it is delicious. By far the best tasting frozen yogurt I have ever had. Creamy and thick, with great mouth-feel [Insert joke here.] They have one at the Charlotte, NC airport, where I have been twice in the last two days, courtesy of US Air.

I'm not shy, but I am reticent to talk with people I don't know well. It's hard for me, especially as I have a few good friends that I speak a kind of shorthand with [and have done so for over 30 years.] We can drop references to Gatsby, Fernwood 2Nite, Spy magazine, Wilhelm Reich, Robert Evans, the Wobblies, and the talking flute on HR Pufnstuf in the same conversation. And the conversation will make perfect sense. Try that sometime.

Baseball season is just around the corner. And can we just do something about the Twins disposing of all their talent each year? This has been going on for as long as I can remember. Hell, thank you for giving us Doug Corbett, Lyman Bostock, Rod Carew and Rob Wilfong. We owe you.

One more thing I never want to hear about again in my lifetime: the Sean Young/Catwoman audition incident. For the love of pete, why is this woman maligned for showing up to an audition for the Catwoman movie in a Catwoman costume? You are supposed to wear the outfit of the job you're seeking, that is behavior that we encourage! She was showing commitment, initiative, and what I would call "old fashioned moxie." Is she bat-shit crazy? Oh yeah. But is this incident further proof of that behavior? Quite the opposite.

I have an ungodly wake up time tomorrow, so off to bed. Damn the time difference.


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