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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

And it is comin' down. Rain, that is. In buckets like it can here in the Southland. So I can safely say this Winter, that I've seen fire and I've seen rain. And when you see both, you also are likely to see mudslides [coincidentally, Lame James had an album named "Mud Slide Slim."]

Senator Obama [Hillary never calls him "Barack", it's always SO] won the South Carolina primary yesterday. But significantly, he captured only 1 of 4 white [non-black] Democratic votes. Among non-blacks, Hillary got 37% of the vote, and Edwards got 39% of the vote. Despite besting Clinton among white voters, Edwards lost because he received virtually no support [3%] from the black Democratic voters.

What does this mean for Obama? Well, in states where black Democrats do not have numerical hegemony, Obama has to do better than capture only 24% of the non-black vote. He simply has to. Why? Because 76% of non-black Democratic voters did not vote for him -- 3 of 4 white Democrats chose another candidate [I would like to talk to the people who voted for John Edwards over Clinton or Obama. These people need adult supervision and/or guidance]. The reality, going forward, is that in a country where about 13.1% of the population is black, carrying 78% of the black vote while only getting 24% of the non-black Democratic vote is a marginal victory at best. Obama's camp has to be concerned about those numbers.

The reality is, on Super Tuesday [Feb. 5th], it will come down to California, New York and Illinois. And I see two of three of those states going for Clinton. But as the Dems do not have a "winner takes all" system, all three of the candidates should continue piling up delegates in this strange and divisive political process. We shall see what happens.

Little Dog got into another scrap. I was parking the car in my garage, and a dog in a neighbor's yard, some 100 yards away became a white blur as she came running towards Little Dog. And before I could scoot her butt into the house, dog fight! And again, Poops was putting the beat down on the neighbor's dog, but I was able to break it up pretty easily. Lucky for the other dog, because my dog is the Chuck Norris of dogs. In a nice gesture, the neighbor came over to check on my dog. She was fine, of course. Poops is 3-0, and looking for a contender.


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