
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The End of the Beginning

Last thoughts on my prior post:

I have no idea of the "carrying capacity" of the planet. How do you measure it? I mean by that, bring on the arguments and I will refute them. So let us, for the sake of argument, assume that there are way too many people on the planet. What to do?

Personally, I can tell you that anyone with a plan is to be feared, not admired.

Does that mean that people - as the Earth continues to have resource allocation and production difficulties [as it has throughout the history of civilization] -- will suffer, perhaps needlessly? Oh yeah. But the alternative -- you don't even want to contemplate it.

So, what about the economy? Too much softness. The erosion of the middle class has largely caused the larger gambit to fail. At least temporarily. I could write about 2,000 words on this topic alone, but I will spare you.

Cheer up, people. Listen to some Rickie Lee Jones and have an iced mocha. You'll feel better.

In case anyone was wondering, I am still undecided as to who I will vote for. On two fronts I favor Senator Obama: first, his health care plan does not present the level of upheaval and risk that Senator McCain's does. Second, he voted against the unnecessarily draconian Bankruptcy reform of 2005. So he does have more sense in some meaningful ways than Senator McCain does.

And yes, to me, policy does matter. Why? For two reasons: first, it might actually happen. Even if the odds are long. Things change. So based on the potentiality, no matter how latent, I care. Secondly, judgment in future events can be based at least somewhat on prior judgment. And Senator Obama has quite convincingly presented as someone of good judgment.


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