Sick As A Dog ...
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.
Taking a break from posting. Catch me in about 2 weeks, I'll have something new then.
You know, I'm always just fascinated by people's bumper stickers. Like slapping some silly sticker on your car somehow makes you ... the living embodiment of the sentiment hanging on the grimy bumper of your Ford Taurus.
Good stuff!
I have never been tempted to put a bumper sticker on my car [except for the Geico "Cavemen Are People Too" sticker that adorns my desk.] I do have a very small Vox Girl playing bass in silhouette on my car window, but that's because in my mind it's always 1982.
That's the title of a column in Mojo magazine, a magazine that I read regularly even though it's $10 to buy. That's a lot of rice pudding money, friends, just to blow on a magazine. But if you read me regularly, you know I love music, and love reading and writing about it.
We spend last weekend driving in a very orderly fashion around the greater Phoenix area. Which should be news in and of itself. The last few years we can safely say that some of the gas shortage nationally was due to our inability to locate anything on our yearly Phoenix jaunts. But this year, we had a GPS unit and bless the silicon-based heart of the person who invented the damn thing. Because otherwise, we become a carload of haters.