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Sunday, May 20, 2007

San Diego Serenade

Made the absolutely hellish drove from Thousand Oaks to Solana Beach Friday afternoon. "Why would you do something as reckless and stupid as that?" you should ask.

The answer was that it was the only California appearance of the Be Good Tanyas [at least as posted on their website. They mentioned that they played San Francisco earlier this week as well.] And was it worth it? Absolutely.

The BGTs have released three records, they're all great, buy them, you won't be sorry, etc. etc. Originally, the group consisted of Samantha Parton and Jolie Holland, and then they added like-minded folk-traditionalists Frazey Ford and Trish Klein but Jolie left to pursue a very fine solo career [where she is backed, at least partially, by my one-time guitar repairman friend Keith Cary.]

I would say this about the BGTs: Frazey Ford is emerging as a major talent in terms of songwriting and vocal ability. Her voice has an ethereal bluesy quality about it, with a spine-tingling edge. And her songs - "Only In The Past", "In Spite of All the Damage", "It's Not Happening" and "Ship Out on the Sea" are all major achievements. [In the photo above, from left to right, that's Trish Klein, Samantha Parton and Frazey Ford.]

And the concert? First, my friend Steve and I were in front of the stage, Trish Klein could have kicked us. Which was cool, but the sound in front is not that good. So it was a trade off. But that aside, the concert was great. As I remarked to Steve [a fellow guitar nut], female musicians seems to be less about playing extended flashy solos and more about finding a groove. And the BGTs are groove miners.

They play some nutty guitars as well. Sam played an inexpensive Yamaha acoustic. Trish played an Old Kraftsman semi-hollow guitar, which was - back in the day - one of those guitars that would sit on the back wall of a pawn shop unloved and unsold. Mix in some 5 string banjo and mandolin, and you've got the musical mix [backed up by a string bassist and a drummer, very talented players who wisely let the focus be the three ladies.]

Not much more to add. See them if you have the chance.


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