
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Bird Don't Lie

We all have songs that we cannot get out of our heads. Mine is "Alabama Chicken" by Sean Hayes. "Look you in the eye, the bird don't lie." Just look at that bird. She don't lie.

I was thinking about musical duos. Simon & Garfu*kel. The Indigo Girls. Wham! Hall & Oates. Is it always true that one half of the duo does 97% of the work, and the other half does 3%? What prompts these people to start duos, anyways? What were Paul Simon, Emily Saliers, Andrew Ridgeley and Daryl Hall thinking, anyways?

Not to mention the Righteous Brothers. Actually, they were fairly evenly matched, compared to the above wipeouts.

And really, let's not ignore reality any longer: the Beatles were a duo. And Paul could never get over his control-freak jealous nature. It wasn't Yoko, it was Paul and his OCD freakazoid nature that broke that duo up. And please, he tried to get the song credits for his songs changed to "McCartney & Lennon"? That just proves it.

Who cares, however. The Beatles haven't been relevent nor taken seriously since 1978.

I have identified the saddest web site on the Internets: Howard's Tribute Band Heaven I warn you, this page is not for the faint of heart. If this man ever gets laid, there is something seriously wrong with the cosmos.

I am re-reading "Gatsby" and I thought it was great before, and its greatness keeps re-revealing itself to me with each successive re-reading. I don't care if it is a cliché: it's a great, near-perfect book.

I should write about my South Carolina trip. Soon, soon I will.


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