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Monday, May 05, 2008

Bumpy Ride

Just got in to Indy this evening ... the flight in from Phoenix was a little bumpy. Definitely a two-bourbon flight, if not a three-bourbon flight.

I tried out my new Kindle on this flight, and it served its purpose really well. Meaning, I could bring the equivalent of several books with me, without the weight and hassle. So that was cool. But really, reading from a weird little screen? It is bizarre.

So I wish I had some good news about stuff generally. Health? Not so good. A guy wants to stick a pipe up my butt. That guy - this time - is a doctor. The job? Three other guys got promoted over me. Finances? Let's not discuss it. Love life? See "Health."

But I did manage to get a family reunion going. I hoodwinked my Dad and Sister to go to Phoenix at the end of the month. Let's see how that goes, meaning let's hear one more refrain of "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."

So, I am in Indianapolis on the eve of [yet again] the most important Democratic primary this season. Maybe. We'll see what happens.


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