
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Horror of the Internet

Before the Internet cast its web over us, thus interconnecting us in this fairly pervasive way [such that I have exchanged emails, for example, with both Jill Sobule and Jane "Issa" Siberry], we could live our lives free of so much knowledge.

And I'm not talking about about really useful facts. I'm talking about news about people you barely knew 30 years ago. I scanned the bulletin board [broke my own code doing so, sorry to say] and found out that a few girls I remembered as being young, vibrant and beautiful were in fact, quite dead.

Now, I'm 45, and pretty far from dead, I hope [to prove it, I ran 4 miles today.] So to think of these girls, who when I last checked, were 18 years old and pretty cute are now dead, well ... that's just repugnant. The heavy metal dudes who were drunk or stoned or both during high school - I can picture them dead. Hell, they pictured themselves dead. The boring, back of the packers? Dead, too. The surfers? The bad girls? Dead, and dead. But the cute, carefree, Ditto-wearing girls? They're supposed to outlive us. That was the plan.

And when the plan is not followed, I get upset.

This is a remote chance, I know, but I'm wondering what would happen if Obama doesn't get elected? What would happen? So many people have invested their "hope"currency into the Obama Bank. And I'm just saying that I predict that there is - whether he gets elected or not - irrational exuberance factored into the value of that currency.


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