The Cars
What was your favorite car? Your least favorite? Cars with stories is our topic.
Here is the complete list of all my cars:
- 1966 VW Beetle. Had it from 1979 through 1980 or 1981. Bought for $150 from my friends' Dad. Mike M. and I disassembled it one summer night in 1980, and it never got reassembled ... so I sold it for what I paid for it when a friend's brother's car got stolen.
- 1969 VW Type III Fastback. Had it from 1981 through late 1985. My first real car. I never drove that Beetle. Boy was this car a royal headache. Lousy engineering.
- 1963 VW Beetle. Had it in 1985 briefly. A piece of crap I wound up selling to my girlfriend. It blew up. Some years later, she dumped me. Coincidence? I think not.
- 1978 Toyota Corolla. I "borrowed" this car from my dad from 1985 through 1987, when I bought my truck. Great car. Probably still running.
- 1986 Toyota Truck. I had this car all the way from 1987 through the end of law school and beyond, and sold it to my Dad in 1994. I know it is still running. Biege, vinyl bench seat. No airbags, no problem!
- 1985 Toyota Camry. 1994 through 1996. I essentially traded my truck to my Dad for his car, this Camry. What a piece of crap. It kept stalling due to some defect with the valves. This car could have killed me, and it leaked oil and was underpowered. Thanks, Dad!
- 1993 Mazda Miata. 1996 through 2001(?). This car went everywhere and did everything. I drove from Seattle to San Francisco, non-stop. Got stuck in the snow. Loaned it out to my girlfriend, and then my business partner. The car kept on going and going. Loads of fun. I got too fat for it, though. Yikes!
- 1994 Honda Accord EX. I had this car from 2001 through late 2004, and again, I bought it from my Dad. Will I never learn? Good car, but I still remember spending about $1,300 replacing the ABS System. That really hurt.
- 2001 Saab 9-3. Got this one in early 2005, and it has served me well, knock on wood. I love the hatchback, as I can store things or my dog in it. And it has turbo so it is peppy. But I would like to have AWD, not that I need it in sunny CA.
So 9 cars over 26 years ... not too bad. What cars have you had, and which one was your favorite? I think my fave was the Honda, overall. But the Miata was close, despite that my friends dubbed it a "gay car." That hurt, I tell you.
...and no one has called the Saab a "gay" car?
The Honda was my favorite, too. I could really sleep well in that car.
My car is not gay. It is decisively and stridently metrosexual.
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