
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Monday, September 03, 2007

More Is Better

An ironic post title.

This Owen Wilson thing is food for thought.

First of all, I can never keep them straight, the Wilsons. I thought Owen was the dark-haired one. So when I heard the latest troubling news, it made sense. I thought, "Yes, I always pegged him as a cutter." But when I found out it was the Butterscotch Stallion, it made no sense.

So when I analyze it, I think "99.7% of the male population would love to trade places with this guy, that only proves to me that his mental health problems are real and profound."

Which is not good news.

The main mistake that people make when discussing depression [which I am not necessarily certain correlates with suicidal tendencies] is that they presume that some event or situation triggered the episode. My experience is that mostly it is the opposite - when good/happy stuff happens and you feel nothing, you may have a problem with depression. Or when you avoid the good/happy stuff.

You need to know this stuff, that's why I write it.


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