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Friday, December 15, 2006

Simple Twist of Fate

Got a call yesterday afternoon from a guy I met at the State Bar Convention in October in Monterey, an attorney named Mark. Out of the blue, as it were. We had met only briefly over beers at a hotel bar one evening, I was trying to watch the baseball playoffs and we struck up a conversation.

We talked about the usual things, sports and the bar convention. We started talking about career, and it turned out we knew someone in common, a guy I worked with for some 3 odd years and, as it turned out, someone he had subsequently hired. The commonality was Brett Broderick.

We talked for a few minutes, and shared a few Brett stories. We were both big fans, and we agreed that when we returned to LA, we'd have lunch with Brett and catch up.

So when the phone rang yesterday, once I realized who was calling, I anticipated that we'd be discussing lunch with Brett. Instead, it was "the call."

Brett had been on a busy sidewalk in LA, coming back from lunch when a collision happened right in the intersection before him, and one of the cars continued onto the sidewalk, where it hit and killed Brett.

Even as I write this, I can't believe it. He's gone. Liked and respected by so many. Husband and father to two young children. Only 40 years old.

He was hired by Homestore around September of 2000 as one of many in house counsel. I still remember going into his office the first time, and trying to describe a deal to him. He was still trying to organize his desk and get his computer working, you know, the usual "get situated" stuff. He must have thought I was crazy, or he was crazy to take the job. Which he was. But there I was, trying to get him to listen to my requests, which I am certain were unreasonable. And he did it all during the next few years with great patience, poise, intelligence and respect.

But he was always just such a great guy to work with, to talk to, to joke around with. Fantastic dry sense of humor. And a peculiar sense of innocence about him.

I know he was an avid outdoorsman who loved fishing, particularly fly fishing. Today, the fish are a little happier, and I am a lot sadder.


Blogger SUEB0B said...

Aw, sweetie. That's a nice post, but sad. I'm sorry.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just heard 1-23-06 that my step uncle's son died in a traffic accident in Los Angeles. His name was Brett Broderick. I am touched by your blog, thank you! from South Dakota

6:49 PM  

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