
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Think and Think Again

There was a children's clothing store in my fair berg, a kinda sorta upscale area, in a strip mall. And the name of the place was "Once Upon A Child." True story. Did infamous child-twiddler Michael Jackson frequent the store? I know not.

I'm doing my bills and so forth this evening. Did I tell you I am unemployed? So, these little forays are an adventure.

I know this is true for guys, I suppose it is true but less so for the ladies out there. Guys always assume other guys are LOADED with money. It has to do with the competitive-envy gene. I have a certain friend, really good guy. Whenever I mention anything related to my house, job, so forth, he will always interject some comment to the effect that I sleep upon spun gold, and wash my face with Evian and so forth. Because he has 4 kids, I have none ... I make more money [when employed] than he does ... and he does fairly well. So I must be exfoliating gold dust.

The truth is so far from that reality, but I've stopped explaining how financially screwed I am. Which, of course, is relative. I mean, I don't owe loan sharks, so I'm better than some. And my income potential is, in theory, pretty damn good.

But as they say, potential means you ain't done it yet.


Blogger SUEB0B said...

You lured me in by telling me about the spun gold and what do I get? Spun silver. Pfft. Big deal.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Peevish said...

Actually, you get shredded wheat.

8:37 PM  

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