
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Airing of the Grievances

My gf, Ms Red Stapler, always has great success in her blog when she posts her gripes. So, in a shameless attempt at "spicing things up around here", I will do the same:

[a] Multi-millionaire musicians who refuse to license their work for commercials, and then TELL THE WORLD AT EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY they have done so. If I have to hear Eddie Vedder or Tom Petty publicly thank themselves one more time for being morally superior to artist X who licenses his/her work, then I will pull a Hendrix and choke on my own puke. [There is a YouTube clip of Eddie V. singing Pete Townshend's awful song "Blue, Red and Grey" wherein he chastises Jewel, of all people, for releasing a song as a commercial first. This is 2006 folks, license your shit. Or not. But don't criticize others for doing it. If it is as wrong as you say/think it is, the marketplace will let us know, believe me.]

[b] The Catholic Church. I went to the funeral mass for my old colleague [old? He was 40 when he died!] Brett Broderick [see below for brief tribute] yesterday. By Jove, it was a long, impersonal and weird service. If Father O'Blarney referred to "the great mystery of life" one more time, I was going to have him in a hammerlock. It was just a miserable experience. And the new songs that they've introduced into the hymnal ... a little too Dan Fogelberg for me, folks. Was that one of the reforms introduced by the Vatican II?

[c] Those weird giant inflatable Christmas decorations that people have on their lawns. Don't like 'em. Don't trust 'em.

That's it for now. Thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are just now discovering Eddie Vedder is a tool?

12:40 AM  

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