
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

He Don't Look Back

I just finished watching the Bob Dylan press conference from December of 1965 [41 years ago, kiddies!]. Fascinating stuff and I recommend it. It's on YouTube, it is in 8 parts and it has annoying breaks for Dylan song/photo montages that the poster thinks helps him evade copyright restrictions [good try, fella!]. The questions range from the ridiculous to the nonsensical, but it's a hoot watching him try to be polite.

Every single YouTube post involving a musical celebrity from the 60s or 70s has the following comment after it: "Boy, was he/she HIGH!" I just like the consistency of that comment.

I broke the little toe on my right foot yesterday. This little piggy is black, swollen and hurts like hell. My dog is pissed because no walkies for 2 days. Why must she suffer too?

It's my birthday on Sunday. My brother, kindly, sent me an online Gift Card for LL Bean. Ah, I suppose I could get some attire from their "Me no want any sex" collection. I spent literally 45 minutes looking at their website and just trying to envision the circumstance under which I would want to wear any of their stuff.

My brother used to always borrow my clothes, particularly my shirts, back in the 80s, when we both lived in Orange County. The exchange never went the other direction. Although, if I could go back to 1975 and get some of his Cat Stevens/Seals & Croft hippie wear, that would be cool. I was ordering out of the Ron Burgandy Junior Collection back then. Although I did have some kickin' velour shirts with zipper fronts and collars. Don't get me started about Levi Movin' On Jeans, especially the beige twin tracks that I so adored.

On a sad note, the only child of Angie Dickinson and Burt Bacharach committed suicide yesterday here in Thousand Oaks. Her name was Nikki, and I will post a link to a snippet of the great song that BB wrote for her back in the 1960s when she was just a child. As I listen to it now, it seems like such a sad little [great] song.

I have visitors this weekend. Where is the vacuum?


Blogger SUEB0B said...

Honey, you know that men in plaid flannel make me, order, dammit!

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! :)

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy b-day, Pumpkin. Your gf is the best.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote you get the slippers with the fuzzy stuff inside. Heaven for you and your piggies.

Happy BDay!

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from yet another stranger! Well, not stranger than most really, but, of course stranger than some. Who wouldn't be? At any rate, I hope you know how much I enjoy Suebob, and how very lucky I think you are (and I'm sure I could have said "we", as surely I speak for the masses). Isn't this World Wide Web something? Who would have guessed that you'd get birthday greetings from rural Kansas? And I do mean rural.

Now, take care of that foot, and um. . . next time, watch where you're going. You're not getting any younger you know!

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get some steel toed sox... LLBean has those, right? Happy Birthday, Stoney.

8:31 AM  
Blogger ByJane said...

came at the behest of the lady with the scarlet stapler -- stayed to read 'cause you work with words so nice -- will be back...

oh, and happy birthday

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!
Is it weird to have strange bloggers wish you a happy day?
And, oh yeah, your honey rocks!

8:26 PM  
Blogger Peevish said...

Yes, Ms Stapler does indeed rock. And thanks for the all the well-wishers.

I haven't had this many birthday greetings since I managed 120 people on the second shift of the phone book, and I ordered my employees to wish me a happy birthday.

That is a testament to Ms Stapler's awesome power.

8:37 PM  

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