
I'm informed you have a differing opinion.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Karma Ran Over What?

Here's more on the Karma front: an idiot actress decides that she'll speak on God's behalf on the nature of bad luck. Apparently, thousands of innocent children were killed, en masse, by an earthquake due to China's relationship with Tibet.

This is why I hate the Secret, the Power of Positive Thinking, and all those attitudinal philosophies. They are both insulting and arrogant. And passive-aggressive. The dumb blonde thinks that she is invoking the moral high ground, but really she is petulantly wagging her wrinkled finger, inappropriately invoking a Hindu philosophy in order to insult a billion, largely Buddhist people who (a) are suffering and continue to suffer due to an act of God, and (b) have nothing to do with formulating official Chinese foreign policy.

This is just another exhibit in the dossier entitled "Actors Should Not Veer From the Script."

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Can someone be too decisive? That's me, likely. As opposed to "deliberative." At least in some areas [not relationships, to be sure.] I mean, since 1989, I've lived in [in order of appearance] San Diego, Davis, Stanton, San Jose, Los Gatos, San Luis Obispo, Seattle, San Francisco, Newbury Park and Thousand Oaks. I fear change, like anyone else, but I keep doing it, over and over. The job I'm currently in is my longest [approaching 5 years] and it's hard for me to stay places. I just get tired of the repetitive nature of things.

I think a lot of people are like that. They want more adventure in their lives, and they consciously or unconsciously create it.

Norm Macdonald endorses John McCain. If that means anything to you.

After what seems like an eternity of not buying any guitars, I bought the above guitar. It's a Fender Toronado, a discontinued model. It has so many features that I find compelling ... the humbucking pickups. The string-through body design. The 24.75" scale. I'm hoping its coolness will rub off on me.

I'm down to one roommate. I'm looking forward to some peace around here, although the dog is a little depressed. You can't please all the animals in this house at one time.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Virtual Wild, Wild West

The internet is better than it was ... but it's still not as good as it was back in 1999 - 2001. That truly was the wild west era of the internet.

I hope someone writes a book about that era. The era of Napster, in its original incarnation. Peapod, ... stores would literally take a loss to get your business ... they'd pay you to "acquire" you as a customer. People would send away for free toothpaste, clothes, whathaveyou.

It was the era of "Bathe with Jesus" [the dude had as his URL]. The rent-a-genius dude, who really was just another egotistical middle-aged wimp, mad at his ex. Of "Pork Pork Pork." All the good stuff.

I miss it. It seemed like there were real people behind the websites, that people were connecting with each other. Once I posted some Cretones songs on Napster, and someone in Chile instant messaged me, thanking me for doing it. I was able to download so much cool stuff ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Karma Pot

I hate it when I go to coffee shops and cafes, typically in the Bay Area, Venice or college towns, and there is a little tip jar by the register [why am I being asked to tip someone who works at a register?] and the jar is labeled "Karma Pot." Usually, my first impulse is to take some money out of the pot, as I am entitled to some good karma, in my opinion. Or better, if they give me some money, they will get some extra good karma. And I will get some money, thus it is a win-win.

A few notes on the Replacements [big-haired alt.rock band from the 1980s.] The Replacements, called "the Mats" by insiders [or outsiders?], were the ultimate 1980s band. They were perhaps the most nihilistic band of all time. Moreso than the Velvet Underground. They literally rivalled ... oh, Black Sabbath and Blue Öyster Cult for being negatively inspired, or passionately uninspired. What did the Replacements stand for? Hard to say. Most bands, in the great Rock and Roll tradition, rebelled against something. They stood in opposition to something. They were threatening. Or they expressed something akin to pure joy, a la Buddy Holly, the early Beatles, or Jonathan Richman. The Replacements? Not so much. They hated themselves, and didn't like others so much. They brimmed with a lack of self-confidence. They shoe-gazed before there were shoe-gazers. Were they funny? Yes. Drunk? Hell yes! Did they exude anything close to "Rock and Roll spirit?" Not at all. They were dead inside, and to prove it, they've written all about it. Again and again.

I still like them. But Westerberg came up with inventive riffs, funny lyrics and the band could play. But in terms of legacy? It can be expressed only as a negative, folks.

Here is why I think Obama will win in the general election. Every time a brash outsider has run against a TOPH [Tired Old Party Hack], the BO has won. Reagan beat Carter. Clinton beat Bush. Carter beat Ford. Kennedy beat Nixon. The guy with the fresh new ideas wins. We're a nation of fresh new idea lovers.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wild Times

So I went in for a routine procedure [aka "a colonoscopy"] on Tuesday, and they wound up doing an emergency appendectomy on me that day. So, for the past few days, for the most part, I have been under sedation. I recommend it.

The docs and nurses have all been great. So, Glenn Beck, you need to move to Thousand Oaks. And stop whining.

You learn who your friends are when you get sick or in trouble. And I am truly blessed in that department. I had friends, co-workers and my sister completely step up. It shouldn't but it does amaze me.

To change the subject ... I have an idea. Senator Obama should choose this guy as his running mate. That would solve his blue collar white guy problem. Or should I say "Git R Done."

I still believe that McCain will choose someone he perceives as an "Obama blanker" [I can't say the word "killer" because that would upset people who don't understand non-literal language] as a running mate. A Sarah Palin [if she were a little more experienced]. No, not Condoleezza Rice. IMHO, Charlie Crist, Haley Barbour and Mark Sanford do not fit the bill. Is it possible that no one fits the bill? Yes, it's possible.

It seems likely that Obama will choose Edwards as his running mate. They're both vain enough to think it will work.

Time for a little sleep. Bring on the Darvocet!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Health Matters

Well, to my great surprise, my recent bloodwork came back better than it ever has. Which shocked me. I actually asked them to check the name on the report.

But that does not mean I do not have to have a colonoscopy on Tuesday. It's not that I'm apprehensive, I actually want to see if there are any GI issues that I need to know about, especially given my mom's medical history [it is mother's day, after all, so she should get a mention]. So we shall see.

I immediately thought of Zevon when my bloodwork came back ... Zevon had kicked most if not all of his major addictions, had become a gym rat and was healthier than ever. And then he got cancer and died. So knock on wood.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Bumpy Ride

Just got in to Indy this evening ... the flight in from Phoenix was a little bumpy. Definitely a two-bourbon flight, if not a three-bourbon flight.

I tried out my new Kindle on this flight, and it served its purpose really well. Meaning, I could bring the equivalent of several books with me, without the weight and hassle. So that was cool. But really, reading from a weird little screen? It is bizarre.

So I wish I had some good news about stuff generally. Health? Not so good. A guy wants to stick a pipe up my butt. That guy - this time - is a doctor. The job? Three other guys got promoted over me. Finances? Let's not discuss it. Love life? See "Health."

But I did manage to get a family reunion going. I hoodwinked my Dad and Sister to go to Phoenix at the end of the month. Let's see how that goes, meaning let's hear one more refrain of "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished."

So, I am in Indianapolis on the eve of [yet again] the most important Democratic primary this season. Maybe. We'll see what happens.